We have officially launched the second edition of the 5×4 newsletter.Click on the image below to preview our second newsletter.
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5×4 Newsletter Edition 2 – Out Now
We have officially launched the second edition of the 5×4 newsletter.Click on the image below to preview our second newsletter.
Looking for the most environmentally friendly amenities and appliances for the building
“The 5×4 Hayes Lane build aims to combine different materials and processes to create the smallest eco-footprint, whilst providing the highest performance.”
In addition we are carefully selecting the most sustainable and environmentally friendly amenities and appliances as possible for the build.
Click on the image below to have a look at some of our ideas for the build and feel free to suggest other possibilities.
From little things big things grow – 5×4 Project
The 5×4 Hayes Lane Project has just been featured in an article by Siusan MacKenzie of the East Melbourne Jolimont community magazine. The project has the support and interest of the community.
Click on the image below to view the full feature!
“Hayes Lane project – Ralph Alphonso has a big dream of small dimensions”
The 5×4 Hayes Lane Project has just been featured in an article by Sarah Day of the habitat magazine published by the Australian Conservation Foundation.
Click on the image below to view the full feature!
“An inside look at living in one of the world’s most sustainable cities-Melbourne Australia”
Ari Phillips featured the project in the article “An inside look at living in one of the most sustainble cities- Mebourne Australia” origionally published on ClimateProgress.
The article has picked up and republished by CLeanTechnica, CleanTechReport and RenewEconomy.
Click on the images below to open the full websites.
TheFifthEstate introduces the 5×4 Hayes Lane building project
The project has been featured in an article by Cameron Jewell of TheFifthEstate magazine. The article introduce the building and the project manager Ralph Alphonso and especially refers to the featured best-practice passive design and advanced engineering techniques, which includes the areas:
CLick on the image below to read the full article.